
During each of the six breakout sessions throughout the weekend, a large number of conversations will take place. This site will help you organize your plan for the weekend and provide the relevant information for each conversation. After signing in, search through the conversations below and mark the sessions you are interested in to populate your personal schedule on the right (or below if on your mobile phone).

A Modern Commonplace Book

Session 5
Wendy Eiteljorg, Tania O'Donnell

For hundreds of years thinkers used commonplace books to collect knowledge. People recorded ideas along with their own commentary. How can we think about digital tools as contemporary commonplace books? How might we encourage students not just to collect but to comment, come back to, and use their collections?

Learning by design: (Un)professional development in innovative schools

Session 5
Matthew Riggan and Tom Gaffey

No matter how clever or innovative you are, a school design is only as strong as your capacity to implement it. And implementation is more about adapting and evolving a design than executing it. As leaders in new schools, we’ve learned that the key to being able to evolve and adapt is to involve the whole staff in that work. School design is an ongoing, collaborative process. It’s also an amazing professional learning experience. Traditional professional development assumes that changes in schools or classrooms follow from professional development. We believe that learning is a byproduct of change work. This session introduces participants to “Design-based PD,” an approach we’ve piloted in Philadelphia's Innovation Network schools over the last two years.

Making Space for Learning

Session 5
Aleksey Lukyanov Cherny

SITU Studio, an architectural design firm in Brooklyn, shares their experience creating innovative educational spaces in museums, libraries and schools. Designed to embed “making” and problem-solving in the classroom, their projects show new ways to integrate technology support hands-on learning, invite experimentation, and prepare students for independent, critical thinking.

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