How are we and can we help teachers and students flourish? Moving beyond academics
I’d like to engage the group in an appreciative inquiry into how schools are helping people thrive. What are schools doing to foster the cognitive AND physical, social, emotional, environmental, spiritual, physical and financial well-being of the community? What promising practices are already happening in the U.S.? What would people like support/resources in trying? What are the challenges people are facing as they move to a more humanistic/holistic approach to education that is being tried in different countries? What are the learnings? How have schools defined the ‘whole child’ and the ‘whole teacher’? How have schools gone beyond thinking about equity to creating conditions where people flourish?
Conversational Practice
I’ll introduce the well-being wheel as a tool to focus our conversation, then lead people through the phases of appreciative inquiry: Discover (interviews that help people appreciate the best of what is already happening around well-being), Dream (imagining what could be), Design (determining what should be in participants’ contexts), and Destiny (creating a plan for what will be).
Conversation Links
Christine LiangSchool District of Philadelphia
Robyn SummaThe Ursuline School
Lisa Hart-GrayEXCEL Academy ~~Henry County Schools
Christine Butry
Ashley Cassello
Margaret PowersThe Agnes Irwin School
Kevin Harris
Rachel BackCouncil Rock High School- North
Maricruz Hernandez
Davis ChamberlainNorth Colonie Central Schools
Melanie HutchinsonCollegiate School for Boys
Eric PhillipsNorth Colonie Central Schools
Rachel IrvinOak Ridge Elementary School
Jennifer MooreAcademy for Global Citizenship
Taylor Heil
Kate Spence
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